Geo-tracking by GPS and fuel monitoring for transporters and logisticians
One of the major concerns that road transport and logistics companies suffer from is obviously the management of their fleet of vehicles and the costs related to its operation, which include, for example:
- theft of fuel and fraud related to the use of tires
non-compliance with working hours and road itineraries - dangerous driving that endangers the vehicle, the goods and the professional image of the company
- use of company vehicles for personal purposes by drivers, etc.
To remedy these problems, Danguir Telematics offers customizable geo-tracking solutions that offer the possibility of:
- the national and international geolocation of vehicles which allows:
- track vehicles and assets within a minute anywhere in the world
- to have a localization up to 5 meters of precision
- 1 year of vehicle movement history
- fuel consumption monitoring that allows you to:
- know the number of liters in the tanks in real time
- edit fuel consumption reports on a graphical diagram
- receive alerts immediately if there is a fuel theft event
- know the number of liters added to the tanks, the location of the station and the time of filling
- temperature monitoring for trailers and refrigerated vehicles which allows to:
- know the temperature of the fridges in real time
- be notified immediately if the temperature exceeds a specific value
- load weight control system that allows:
- to follow in real time the use of your mobile assets and to compare with the declarations of the customers
- be informed of any exceeding of the load threshold authorized by the authorities for each type of vehicle
- receive information about location, time and weight of loading and unloading
- install a flowmeter to measure the consumption of different types of fluid which allows:
- prevention of theft of fuel and other liquids transported in tanks
- protection against fraud by tracking the number of liters spilled, and comparing them in the event of customer complaints
- driver identification system that allows:
- to know the identity of the driver at the wheel in the present and past time
- to immobilize the vehicle if the identification of the driver has failed
- find out who is responsible for a road burglary
Gestion de flotte pour les utilitaires, camions, tracteurs routiers, remorques et les conteneurs
Le service de tracking Danguir Telematics a été conçue par des professionnels du métier, et il est en permanente évolution en fonction des nouvelles technologies et les besoins des transporteurs et logisticiens.
Cette solution est compatible avec tout les types de véhicules, ainsi chaqu’un de nos clients peut:
- contrôler tout son parc des véhicule en une seule clique
- suivre l’activité des chauffeurs et anticiper les problèmes
- améliorer la qualité de service en donnant des délais ponctuels de livraison a ses clients
- éviter la frustration des clients en les prévenant d’avance en cas de retards éventuels
Pour conclure, on veut noter qu’en optant pour nos services de tracking et gestion de flotte, vous ne contribuez pas seulement a votre bien être, mais aussi a la sécurité routière au niveau nationale en diminuant les risques des conduites dangereuse, et même plus globalement par la contribution a une écologie plus propre en limitant les émissions de CO2 par une diminution considérable de la consommation du carburant.