Geo-tracking solution for recovery vehicles by GPS
Competition between repair companies is very tough, so as a company operating in this sector you should obviously optimize your costs to always remain competitive vis-à-vis your competitors, and also guarantee a responsive and quality service. to retain your customers.
Among the most substantial expenses are undoubtedly those of fuel and maintenance costs, spare parts, tires, etc. The DanguirTelematics geo-tracking service aimed at companies in the repair sector is very effective for:
- Reduce your fuel consumption, by limiting fuel theft, and minimize maintenance costs and wear and tear on spare parts, by stopping illegal, out-of-service or unauthorized use of tow trucks.
- Improve the service for your customers, and increase the performance of your workers/employees, by remotely controlling their reactivity and compliance with working hours.
The optimization of troubleshooting services, via DanguirTelematics services, takes the form of a two-level approach:
- On the Hardware level of GPS and their accessories, we install on your vehicles reliable high quality equipment manufactured in Europe, which is adapted to tow trucks which includes:
- A “Made in Europe” GPS box, capable of supporting the nature of the interventions of recovery vehicles.
- Depending on the vehicle model, a fuel gauge/sensor for the tank or a reader from the vehicle’s computer are installed for fuel control, which offer high precision up to the nearest liter of fuel.
- A highly secure installation to avoid any damage to the GPS box or the fuel gauge, whether by accident or by vandalism.
- On the software level of the GPS platform, our geolocation solution guarantees you a high quality service with a multitude of features that allow you to:
- Geolocate breakdown vehicles and service cars in real time or on the history by GPS, via a digital map, on Android/iPhone Smartphone and on PC/Mac.
- Control the fuel level remotely via GPS in real time or on reports available at will.
- Supervise compliance with instructions, responsiveness, intervention areas, and work schedules in real time via GPS or on daily, weekly or monthly reports with a single click on the DanguirTelematics platform.
In addition:
- You will receive 24/7 notifications on the GPS platform via the mobile application or PC/Mac in the event of:
- Fuel theft
- Filling the tank
- Unauthorized use of tow trucks outside working hours
- Disconnecting the GPS unit
- Speeding for breakdown vehicles and service cars
- We also offer tailor-made solutions to meet your most specific needs.
- the ability to set service and maintenance alerts such as:
- drain
- renew insurance
- change tires / brake pads / timing chain
- receiving alerts if a breakdown vehicle or a service
- car leaves or enters a geographical area (Geofencing)